The movement takes place on April 22 throughout the world. In Brazil, the mobilization will be in São Paulo and intends to disseminate the idea that science is fundamental for the construction of policies and regulations of public interest
Read below the convocation of the SBPC President:
Dear Students, Teachers, Scientists, Researchers and Friends of Science,
On April 22, Saturday, we have a commitment to the science agenda, which will happen simultaneously all over the planet. The March for Science is being convened in more than 400 cities on all continents, overcoats in the United States, where the initiative began, and Europe.
It is a worldwide event that aims to bring to the attention of students, teachers, scientists and researchers, decision-makers and decision-makers, and society as a whole, on the need to support and preserve institutions and the scientific community around the globe . This support becomes critical at a time when scientific activity for the good of all is threatened, such as changes in public policy, reduction and diversion of public funding and funding, political partisanization of science and, most Political decisions that do not take scientific evidence into account. This is happening in the United States, in a striking way in relation to what has been demonstrated research related to climate change, but also across the globe.
The organizers of the March for Science understand, as we do from the Brazilian Society for the Advancement of Science (SBPC), that science is everywhere and affects everyone’s life. Therefore, the application of science to society can not be at the margin of major decision-making in the political field. And the best way to ensure that science can directly influence public policy is to encourage people to appreciate and engage with science. We believe that the strengthening of science also involves strengthening democracy in all countries.
In Brazil, the March for Science is already organized in the city of São Paulo and Natal (RN), according to the official agenda of the international event. The aim is to bring together people from all over the scientific and academic community, and all those interested in science as a common good for improving the quality of life of all, and as the best instrument for the evolution of human knowledge. We call on all to participate, organizing, in the context of their cities in their institutions, related activities.
The organization of the event in São Paulo defined some fundamental principles to defend in the scope of the March for Science, which include:
- Science serves the common good
- State-of-the-art scientific education
- By open, honest and accessible scientific communication
- Evidence-based policies and regulations of public interest
- For the funding of scientific research and its applications
The SBPC fully supports the initiative to hold the March for Science and invites all its members to participate in the event. We also hope that the scientific societies will also invite their associates and friends to participate in the event, which should initiate a great planetary movement for science as a common good of all humanity.
– March for Science – São Paulo
Date and place: April 22, 2017 – 2 hours – Largo da Batata – Pinheiros – São Paulo, SP
– March for Science