MELO, D.R., LIPSZTEIN, J. L. Effectiveness of Prussian blue on cesium decorporation. CDROM International Workshop on Radiological Goiânia Accident – After 10 years, Goiania, International Atomic Energy Agency, 1997.
LIPSZTEIN, J. L., MELO, D.R., BERTELLI, L., OLIVEIRA, C. A. N. Public exposure and retrospective dosimetry: The Goiania Radiological Accident. CDROM International Workshop on Radiological Goiânia Accident – After 10 years, Goiania, International Atomic Energy Agency, 1997.
MELO, D.R., LIPSZTEIN, J. L., OLIVEIRA, C. A. N., BERTELLI, L. Radiation protection / medical aspects of the Goiânia accident: individual monitoring. In: Proceedings of the Seventh Coordination Meeting of World Health Organization Collaborating Centers in Radiation Emergency Medical Preparedness and Assistance Network – REMPAN, 1997, Rio de Janeiro, 1: 185-188, 1997.
LIPSZTEIN, J. L. AND MELO, D.R. Management of internal contamination accidents. In: Proceedings of the Seventh Coordination Meeting of World Health Organization Collaborating Centers in Radiation Emergency Medical Preparedness and Assistance Network- REMPAN, 1: 229-237, 1997.
LIPSZTEIN, J. L.; MELO, D.R.; OLIVEIRA, C.A.N.; BERTELLI, L.; RAMALHO, A.T. The Goiania Cs-137 Accident – A Review of the Internal and Cytogenetic Dosimetry. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, v. 79, n.1/4, p. 149-154, 1998.
MELO D. R., LIPSZTEIN J.L., OLIVEIRA C.A.N, LAURER, G., AZEREDO, A.G.F., JULIÃO L., DANTAS, B, LUCENA, E., HUNT, J. In vitro and vivo bioassay. In: Dosimetry and Medical Aspects of the Goiânia Accident, D.R. MELO (Coord). IAEA-TECDOC-1009: 8-26, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1998. (BOOK CHAPTER).
MELO D. R., LIPSZTEIN J.L, LUNDGREN, D.L., GUILMETTE, R. AND MUGGENBURG, B.A. Cesium biokinetic model. In: Dosimetry and Medical Aspects of the Goiânia Accident, D.R. MELO (Coord). IAEA-TECDOC-1009: 27-36, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1998. (BOOK CHAPTER).
MELO D. R., LIPSZTEIN J.L., LUNDGREN, D.L., GUILMETTE, R. AND MUGGENBURG, B.A. Efficacy of Prussian Blue Therapy for Decorporation of Caesium. In: Dosimetry and Medical Aspects of the Goiânia Accident, D.R. MELO (Coord). IAEA-TECDOC-1009: 37-46, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1998. (BOOK CHAPTER).
MELO D. R., LIPSZTEIN J.L., OLIVEIRA C.A.N, BERTELLI, L. Cesium Metabolism in Pregnant Women. In: Dosimetry and Medical Aspects of the Goiânia Accident, D.R. Melo (Coord). IAEA-TECDOC-1009: 47-52, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1998. (BOOK CHAPTER).
LIPSZTEIN J.L., MELO, D.R., RAMALHO, A., BERTELLI, L. Dose Assessment and Cytogenetic Follow-up. In: Dosimetry and Medical Aspects of the Goiânia Accident, D.R. Melo (Coord). IAEA-TECDOC-1009: 57-69, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1998. (BOOK CHAPTER BERNARDO-FILHO, M.; FELZENSWALB, I.; MATTOS, J.; CALDEIRA ARAUJO, A. Shark-cartilage containing preparation protects against reactive oxygen species. Food Chem Toxicol, USA, v. 36, p. 1079-1084, 1998.
MELO, D.R.; OLIVEIRA, C.A.N.; DANTAS, B.M.; NANI, G.J.; LIPSZTEIN, J.L.; LAURER, G.R.. The follow-up of in vivo measurements on the patients of the Goiânia accident, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, v. 1131, p. 236-239, 2000.
MELO, D.R.; LIPSZTEIN, J.L.; OLIVEIRA, C.A.N.; BERTELLI, L. Cs-137 Metabolism in Pregnant Women, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, v. 1131, p. 103-106, 2000.
MELO, D.R., LIPSZTEIN, J. L., LOURENÇO, M. C., JULIÃO, L. Q. C. Discussion of a Thorium Biokinetic Model. In: V National Meeting on Nuclear Applications, Rio de Janeiro, October, 2000.
SANTOS, M. S., JULIÃO, L. Q. C., MELO, D.R., CUNHA, K. D., NASCIMENTO, J. E. C., FERNANDES, P. C., SOUSA, W. O. Comparison of the Results of 232Th and 238U Concentrations in Feces Samples Obtained by Alpha Spectrometry and ICP-MS Techniques. In: III National Meeting of the Brazilian Society of Nuclear Biosciences, 2001, Gramado, November, 2001.
VIEIRA, J.W.; KRAMER, R.; LIMA, F.R.A. Calculation of effective dose from external exposure to photons for the Male Adult voXel (MAX) phantom. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section B. Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, USA, v. 213, p. 654-657, 2004.
KRAMER, R.; SANTOS, A.M.; LIRA, C.A.B.O.; KHOURY, H.J.; VIEIRA, J.W.; LIMA, F.R.A. Application of the MAX-EGS exposure model to the dosimetry of the Yanango radiation accident. Physics in Medicine and Biology, United Kingdom, v. 50, p. 1-15, 2005.
AMARAL, A. Physical and biological dosimetry for risk perception in radioprotection. Braz. Arch. Biol. Technol. vol.48 no.spe2 Curitiba Oct. 2005.
Silva-Barbosa, Isvânia; P. Magnata, Símey; Amaral, A.; Sotero, Graça; Melo, Homero C. Dose assessment by quantification of chromosome aberrations and micronuclei in peripheral blood lymphocytes from patients exposed to gamma radiation. Genetics and Molecular Biology, Brazil, v. 28, n.3, p. 452-457, 2005.
Thiago de Salazar e Fernandes*,Ademir Amaral, Mariana Brayner Cavalcanti,Lidiane Régia Pereira Braga. Unstable chromosomal aberrations and micronuclei analyses in the biomonitoring of workers occupationally exposed to ionising radiation. Int. J. Low Radiation, Vol. 3, No. 4, 2006, pag. 299-309.
JULIÃO, L.M.Q.C.; MELO, D.R.; FERNANDES, P.C.; SOUSA, W. O.; SANTOS, M.S. Uncertainty on dose assessment by fecal analysis. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, v. 127, p. 421-424, 2007.
FERNANDES, T.S.; LLOYD, D.; AMARAL, A. A comparison of different cytological stains for biological dosimetry. International Journal of Radiation Biology, v. 84, p. 703-711, 2008.FERNANDES_IJRB_2008
Amaral, Ademir; Fernandes, T. Salazar; Cavalcanti, M. Brayner. Bioindicators in radiation protection. Braz. arch. biol. technol. vol.51 no.spe Curitiba Dec. 2008, Pag. 91-96. AMARAL_2008
T. S. Fernandes, D. C. Loyd, A. Amaral. Biodosimetry for Dose Assessment of Partial-Body Exposure: A Methodological Improvement. Braz. arch. biol. technol. vol.51 no.spe Curitiba Dec. 2008, Pag. 97-102. FERNANDES_BABT_2008
Velasques de Oliveira S.M., Julião L.; Sousa W.O.; Mesquita, S. A.; Souza M. Methodology for radionuclides quantification through in vitro bioassay. Cellular and Molecular Biology (Online), v. 56, p. 41-43, 2010.
L. Pinto; M. M. Pereira; Santos, N.F. Gonçalves; Amaral, A. Current status of biodosimetry based on standard cytogenetic methods. Radiat Environ Biophys. v. 49, p. 567-581, 2010. PINTO_2010
CAVALCANTI, M.B.; GALVÃO DA SILVA, A.P.; FREITAS-SILVA, R.; AMARAL, A. P53 protein expression and cell viability in irradiated peripheral blood mononuclear cells as bioindicators of radiosensitivity. Journal of Biophysical Chemistry, v. 2, p. 63-67, 2011.
FERNANDES, T.S.; SILVA, I.M.S.; MORAES, R.B.; AGUIAR, L.A.A.; AMARAL, A.; BARBOSA, C.T.; NOGUEIRA, R.A. Non-linear dynamics of chromosome condensation induced by colcemid. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, v. 56, p. 85, 2013.
T. S. Fernandes, E. B. Silva, M. M. P. L. Pinto, A. Amaral, David Lloyd. Como identificar exposições parciais às radiações ionizantes? Proposta de um método citogenético. SCIENTIA-PLENA_2013.pdf”>FERNADES_SCIENTIA PLENA,_2013 (In Portuguese). FERNADES_SCIENTIA PLENA_2013
M. C. Da Matta, M. Dümpelmann, M. M. P. Lemos-Pinto, T. S. Fernandes, A. Amaral. Processamento de imagens em Biodosimetria: Influência da qualidade das preparações cromossômicas. SCIENTIA PLENA VOL. 9, NUM. 8 2013. Da Matta – 2013
DE FREITAS, R.; BOLIGON, A.; ROVANI, B.; PIANA, M.; DE BRUM, T.; DA SILVA JESUS, R.; ROTHER, F.; ALVES, N.; TEIXEIRA DA ROCHA, J.; ATHAYDE, M.; BARRIO, J.; DE ANDRADE, E.; DE FREITAS BAUERMAN, L. Effect of Black Grape Juice against Heart Damage from Acute Gamma TBI in Rats. Molecules (Basel. Online), v. 18, p. 12154-12167, 2013. BAUERMANN_2013
CORREA, C.R.; BARROS, A.L.B.; FERREIRA, C.A.; GOES, A.M.; CARDOSO, V.N.; ANDRADE, A.S.R. Aptamers directly radiolabeled with technetium-99m as a potential agent capable of identifying carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) in tumor cells T84. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters (Print), v. 24, p. 1998-2001, 2014.
MELO, DR., LIPSZTEIN, JL., LEGGETT, R., BERTELLI, L., GUILMETTE, R. Efficacy of Prussian Blue on 137Cs decorporation therapy. Healthy Phys. 2014, 106(5): 592 – 597.
DE FREITAS, R.B.; AUGUSTI, P.R.; DE ANDRADE, E.R.; ROTHER, F.C.; ROVANI, B.T.; QUATRIN, A.; ALVES, N.M.; EMANUELLI, T.; BAUERMANN, L.F.. Black Grape Juice Protects Spleen from Lipid Oxidation Induced by Gamma Radiation in Rats. Journal of Food Biochemistry, v. 38, p. 119-127, 2014.
DE FREITAS E SILVA, R.; DOS SANTOS, N.F.G.; PEREIRA, V. R.; AMARAL, A.. Simultaneous Analysis of P53 Protein Expression and Cell Proliferation in Irradiated Human Lymphocytes by Flow Cytometry. Dose-response, v. 12, p. 110-120, 2014.
C.M.A. Lima, A.R. Lima, Ä.L. Degenhardt, N.J. Valverde, F.C.A. Da Silva. Reconstructive dosimetry for cutaneous radiation syndrome. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research (2015)
M.M.P. Lemos-Pinto, M. Cadena, N. Santos, T.S. Fernandes, E. Borges, A. Amaral. A dose-response curve for biodosimetry from a 6 MV electron linear accelerator. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research (2015)
L.A.A. Aguiar, I.M.S. Silva, T.S. Fernandes, R.A. Nogueira. Long-term correlation of the electrocorticogram as a bioindicator of brain exposure to ionizing radiation. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research (2015).
CABRAL, M.O.M.; VIEIRA, J.W.; LEAL NETO, V.; LIMA, F.R.A. Development of a pregnant woman phantom using polygonal mesh, for dosimetric evaluations. Brazilian Journal of Radiation Sciences, v. 3, p. 1-11, 2015.
A. I. S. F. Xavier; M. B. Cavalcanti1; E. B. Silva; A. Amaral 1; T. S. Fernandes. Fractal analysis of chromatin as a potential indicator of human exposures to ionizing radiation. Scientia Plena,vol.14,n.2.
Mendes, M. E., Hwang, S. F., Andrade, A. M. G., Mendonca, J. C. G., Santos, N., Lima, F. F.Dose-response calibration curve for micronucleus assay: preliminary study.
S.C. de Lima, A Amaral, T. S. Fernandes. Use of C-banding for identifying radiation induced micronuclei. Biotechnic & Histochemistry,(2017)92:4,283-287. PINTO_2015
Mariana B. Cavalcanti, Thiago S. Fernandes, Edvane B. Silva, Ademir Amaral. Correlation between radiation dose and p53 protein expression levels in human lymphocytes. Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (2015) 87(3): p. 1783-1790, 2015. Printed version ISSN 0001-3765 / Online version ISSN 1678-2690. 1783-1790.CAVALCANTI_2015
FERNANDES, R.S.; SILVA, J.O.; LOPES, S.C.A.; CHONDROGIANNIS, S.; RUBELLO, D.; CARDOSO, V.N.; OLIVEIRA, M.C.; FERREIRA, L.A.M.; DE BARROS, A.L.B. Technetium-99m-labeled doxorubicin as an imaging probe for murine breast tumour (4T1 cell line) identification. Nuclear Medicine Communications, v. 37, p. 1-312, 2016.
FREITAS, R.B.; GONZÁLEZ, P.; MARTINS, N.M.B.; RAMOS, E.A.; CESTEROS MORANTE, M.J.; CONLES PICOS, I.; COSTILLA GARCÍA, S.; BAUERMANN, L.F.; BARRIO, J.P. Ameliorative effect of black grape juice on systemic alterations and mandibular osteoradionecrosis induced by whole brain irradiation in rats. International Journal of Radiation Biology, v. 93, p. 1-34, 2016. BAUERMANN_2016
ROTHER, F.C.; REBELLO, W.F.; HEALY, M.J.F.; SILVA, M.M.; CABRAL, P.A.M.; VITAL, H.C.; ANDRADE, E.R.. Radiological Risk Assessment by Convergence Methodology Model in RDD Scenarios. Risk Analysis, v. 36, p. 2039-2046, 2016.
T.S.Fernandes; S. R. Leoncio; A. I.S. F. Xavier; M. B. Cavalcanti; A. Amaral. Influence of samples conditioning temperature on cytogenetic dosimetry. ANAIS DA SBBN, vol. 03, Rio de Janeiro, 2016.
S. M.Velasques de Oliveira, Ä. L. Degenhardt, A. Iwahara. Avaliação de detectores para bioanálise de sangue em terapias com 177Lu e 131I para dosimetria de medula óssea. ANAIS DA SBBN, vol. 03, Rio de Janeiro, 2016 (In Portuguese).
SANTOS, N.F.G.; SILVA, R.F.; PINTO, M.M.P.L; SILVA, E.B.; TASAT, D.R.; AMARAL, A. Active caspase-3 expression levels as bioindicator of individual radiosensitivity. Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, v. 89, p. 1-11, 2017.
CUNHA, J.S.; CAVALCANTE, F.R.; SOUZA, S.O.; SOUZA, D.N.; SANTOS, W.S.; CARVALHO JÚNIOR, A.B. Estimation of dose rates at the entrance surface for exposure scenarios of total body irradiation using MCNPX code. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, v. 140, p. 447-451, 2017.
L. Bonfim, K.O. Gonçalves. D. P. Vieira. Development of three-dimensional cellular culture system for testing of biological effects of radiations in tumoral and non-tumoral models. ANAIS DA SBBN-2017, vol. 4, Rio de Janeiro, 2017.ANAIS SBBN (2017) vol 4 p. 31-39
A. Amaral, L. L. B. Leite, A. G.Nascimento, E.C. Diniz, G.F. da Silva, S. C. Dantas, T. de S. Fernandes, E. B. da Silva, R. C.Veras, I. A. de Medeiros, M.B. Cavalcanti. Expressão das Citocinas TNF, IL-17A, IL-4 e IL-10 em Células Mononucleares do Sangue Periférico Irradiadas “in vitro”. ANAIS DA BBN-2017, vol. 4, Rio de Janeiro, 2017. (In Portuguese). ANAIS SBBN (2017) vol 4 p. 40-48
L.K. F. Iwahara, M. S. Oliveira, M.A. Vallim de Alencar. Avaliação do efeito de três metais constituintes da monazita sobre a radiossensibilidade de osteoblastos humanos. ANAIS DA SBBN-2017, vol. 4, Rio de Janeiro, 2017 (In Portuguese).ANAIS SBBN (2017) vol 4 p. 49-59
CUNHA, J.S.; SOUZA, D.N.; CARVALHO JÚNIOR, A.B. Dose calculation with MCNPX code for Total Body Irradiation technique in sitting and lying postures. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, v. 149, p. 1-6, 2018.
DE BARROS, P.A.V.; RABELO ANDRADE, M.E.; DE VASCONCELOS GENEROSO, S.; MENDES MIRANDA, S.E.; DOS REIS, D.C.; LACERDA LEOCÁDIO, P.C.; DE SALES E SOUZA, É.L.; DOS SANTOS MARTINS, F.; DA GAMA, M.A.S.; CASSALI, G.D; ALVAREZ LEITE, J.I.; ANTUNES FERNANDES, S.O.; CARDOSO, V.N. Conjugated linoleic acid prevents damage caused by intestinal mucositis induced by 5-fluorouracil in an experimental model. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, v. 103, p. 1567-1576, 2018.
LACERDA, I.V.B.; VIEIRA, J.W.; OLIVEIRA, M.L.; LIMA, F.R.A. Patient-specific phantoms versus reference phantoms: a preliminary comparison on organs dose distribution. Brazilian Journal of Radiation Sciences, v. 6, p. 1-5, 2018.
XAVIER, A.I.S.F.; CAVALCANTI, M.B.; BORGES DA SILVA, E.; AMARAL, A.; FERNANDES, T.S. Fractal analysis of chromatin as a potential indicator of human exposures to ionizing radiation. Scientia Plena, v. 14, 2018.
ANDRADE, C.P.S.; SOUZA, C.J.; CAMERINI, E.S.N.; ALVES, I.S.; VITAL, H.C.; HEALY, M.F.; ANDRADE, E.R.. Support to Triage and Public Risk Perception Considering Long-Term Response to a Cs-137 RDD Scenario. Toxicology and Industrial Health, v. 34, p. 433-438, 2018.
BERNARDO-FILHO, M.; SILVA, C. R. ; AMARAL, A. . Evaluation of the cytotoxic and mutagenic potentiality of technetium-99m in Escherichia coli. Cellular and Molecular Biology, França, v. 48, p. 783-788, 2002.
Silva CR ; Garcia EJ ; BERNARDO-FILHO, M. . Considerações sobre a dosimetria do tecnécio-99m. Reunião Anual da SBPC, Brasília, DF, 2001.
BERNARDO-FILHO, M.; FELZENSWALB, I. ; MATTOS, J. ; CALDEIRAARAUJO, A. . Shark-cartilage containing preparation protects against reactive oxygen species. Food Chem Toxicol, USA, v. 36, p. 1079-1084, 1998.
Velasques de Oliveira S.M.; Boasquevisque, E. M.; F. Simas dos Santos; R. Biancardi. Activities, procedures and doses in pediatric patients due to radiopharmaceuticals. Braz. arch. biol. technol. vol.51 no.spe Curitiba Dec. 2008, p. 115-120, 2008.
D.P. Faria, C.A. Buchpiguel, F.L.N. Marques. Alternative chromatographic system for the quality control of lipophilic technetium-99m radiopharmaceuticals such as [99mTc(MIBI)6]+. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research (2015).
F.N. Carlesso, L.L. Fuscaldi, R.S. Araújo, C.S. Teixeira, M.C. Oliveira, S.O.A. Fernandes, G.D. Cassali, D.C. Reis,
A.L.B. Barros, V.N. Cardoso. Evaluation of 99mTc-HYNIC-βAla-Bombesin(7-14) as an agent for pancreas tumor detection in mice. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research (2015).
MONTEIRO, L.O.F.; FERNANDES, R.S.; CASTRO, L.C.; CARDOSO, V.N.; OLIVEIRA, M.C.; TOWNSEND, D.M.; FERRETTI, A.; RUBELLO, D.; LEITE, E.A.; DE BARROS, A.L.B. Technetium-99 m radiolabeled paclitaxel as an imaging probe for breast cancer in vivo. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, v. 89, p. 146-151, 2017.
SANTOS, S.R.; DE SOUSA LACERDA, C.M.; FERREIRA, I.M.; DE BARROS, A.L.B.; FERNANDES, S.O.; CARDOSO, V.N.; DE ANDRADE, A.S.R. Scintigraphic imaging of Staphylococcus aureus infection using 99m Tc radiolabeled aptamers. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, v. 128, p. 22-27, 2017.
A.S. Fonseca, V.M.A. Campos, L.A.G. Magalhães, F. Paoli. Nucleotide excision repair pathway assessment in DNA exposed to low-intensity red and infrared lasers. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research (2015).
K.S. Canuto, L.P.S. Sergio, O.R. Guimarães, M. Geller, F. Paoli, A.S. Fonseca. Low-level red laser therapy alters effects of ultraviolet C radiation on Escherichia coli cells. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research (2015).
L.L. Barboza, V.M.A. Campos, L.A.G. Magalhães, F. Paoli, A.S. Fonseca.Low-intensity red and infrared laser effects at high fluences on Escherichia coli cultures. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research (2015).